
Staying Safe At University

Being a little safety conscious really will stand you in good stead at university. Simple precautions can save you time and money.

Many universities work closely with the police to help you stay safe and teach you which type of crimes you could be subjected to in your university city. Around 20% of student robberies occur in the first 6 weeks of the academic year.

Here are our Top Tips on staying safe at uni…

1. You can’t expect others to always lookout for you, especially if alcohol is involved. Take responsibility for yourself by making sure your phone is always charged, have extra money for a taxi and never walk home alone.
Only use licensed taxis and if using public transport, sit close to the driver. Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid using your phone if you are alone as it will serve as a distraction.
Figures show that men are actually more likely to get attacked on the street than women. Carrying a personal alarm is a really good idea.

2. Drinking alcohol makes it much easier to make mistakes. Losing money or your keys is certainly more likely after a few too many drinks.
Make sure you eat something substantial before you start drinking and while you are out, think about how much and what you are actually consuming. Drinks are known to get spiked so never leave yours unattended and never accept drinks (especially pre-bought) from strangers. Not even for a free drink.

3. Registering your expensive belongings such as laptops, mobile phones, games consoles etc will make the process of possibly getting them back much easier if they are stolen. Also, don’t forget to get them covered under personal belongings insurance. You may not want to pay a monthly insurance fee but if something does get stolen it really could save you a lot of money in the long run.

4. Don’t forget to lock windows and doors, not just when you are out either. Many burglaries can actually take place while people are in the house. Some thefts can’t be avoided and they will probably attempt it regardless of locked doors but certainly don’t make it easy for them.

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