
5 Things You Will Learn To Love As A Student

There’s going to be nobody there to make sure you leave for uni on time and feed you a healthy well balanced meal at least once a day. Nobody to wash your socks and check what time you will be home and ask who you are going out with. You may swiftly learn how much you take home life for granted when moving away BUT there are some bonuses to being a student.

Anyway who needs all of that when you’ve got…

A student card – Yes, this will become your best friend, your right hand man and your confidant. It will be so firmly fixed to your hand it may as well be a part of you. Student discount is available almost everywhere too so do take full advantage, it can make a huge difference to what you can get your hands on with your weekly budget.

Poundshops – There’s no time to be snobby on a student budget. Poundshops are big money savers on branded cleaning and beauty products and you will be amazed at what you can pick up for a quid.
Got a freshers fancy dress party to go to? check out your local poundshop for supplies.

The Library – This will fast become your second home to your halls and no doubt there will be a love hate relationship going on here especially around exam season.

Pasta – If you don’t know how to cook yet, you’d better learn, and fast. Pasta is usually the staple student meal.
It’s cheap and you can jazz it up in so many different ways. Spag bol, lasagne, carbonara or a quick pasta bake are all easy cook recipes and will keep you full.

Your social life – Yes of course you have to study and will have exams you need to work hard at but you will be thankful for your room mate badgering to take a break and have a night out.
Whether it’s a night out playing pub gold of just meeting up for a coffee and a chat, don’t lock yourself away you will need these little breaks.

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