
5 Ways To Really Save Your Student Budget

Let’s face it, anything that can help you retain as much of that student budget as possible is worth a try.

These hints and tips may sound ridiculous, I mean, it’s all common sense right?

If you slightly change your lifestyle to accommodate even just a couple of these then you may just find you’re not searching the sofa for change weeks before that student loan hits your bank account.

Go Second Hand

We all like buying ourselves new things, don’t we?

Just because it’s not new from the shop doesn’t mean it will feel any less being ‘new to you.’ Charity and vintage shops are great for buying clothes, shoes, and accessories and you can almost guarantee you won’t see somebody else in the same outfit.

A lot of vintage sellers now also run pay by weight days so you can get a few items for a really low price so keep an eye out for local events.

Books for your course can be super expensive so either buy secondhand ones that you can sell on after or borrow your study books from students that don’t need them anymore or the library.

Eat At Home

We know this sounds obvious but grabbing lunch on the go or just meeting up with friends for dinner really will add up.

For quick, cheap and delicious recipe ideas click here.

Do you buy takeaway tea/coffee? Once added up they work ut really expensive, especially if you are buying just a couple per week. Invest in a decent travel mug and instead take a hot drink with you. That way you won’t be tempted to just grab a quick (expensive) drink.

The Food Shop

We have a whole other article on saving money while you shop here.

The one crucial point though, never do the food shop on an empty stomach. You will put things in your trolley you want there and then rather than things you actually need. These little things soon add up.

House Parties

Holding your own and attending house parties will save you a heap of money. We’re not saying never go out again but if you are desperate to socialise but are strapped for cash, you and your pals could take it in turns to host a party/gathering.

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