
6 Things To Look Forward To In Your First Week At Uni

If you’re not yet there, you will be in the coming weeks. You’ve had an epic summer break and are probably not looking forward to the thought of going back to studying but fear not. There are plenty of things you can look forward to…


Yep, complete and utter freedom. Nobody walking into your bedroom unannounced. Imagine leaving the house without being asked ‘who are you going out with?’ and ‘what time will you be back?’ I know, we’ve all been there. The novelty might swiftly wear off though.

Your Room

It may take a while to put your own stamp on it but believe us, it will be so worth it. Make it as cosy as you can before the cold winter months come. You can read this post for a few room ideas. You can’t usually decorate rooms with paint but you can certainly add your own personal touches.

The people

It’s without a doubt that you will meet some quirky characters. You will also meet some of your BFF’s around this time. There will be people you love and people you don’t.

Freshers Week

We think this is the most anticipated week in a young adults student life. Embrace it and all the hangovers that will come along with it.

Go along to all you can handle. There will be fancy dress and pub golf galore.


You will have most likely turned up to uni with a full food shop. Cooking for your new flatmates can be really exciting, especially if you decide to take it in turns. Beans on toast count too by the way.


Go along to the Freshers fair and expect to leave with a bag full of samples, goodies, and discounts from local businesses. Be warned though, you may end up with 30 biros.

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