
Become A Pro At Essay Writing

For many people, essay writing doesn’t come naturally. It is, however a skill that you can certainly teach yourself. Writing assignments can be a grueling task and putting together coursework can be difficult.

Your essays will equate to a large chunk of your final grade so getting them right is essential. They need to be clear and understandable whilst getting across what you want to say clearly.

Before you start, get set up in your perfect study zone complete with water and healthy snacks on hand. On a piece of paper, identify all the key points this particular essay must include and write them down as bullet points. When you’ve finished one point you can go ahead and cross that one off. Display it above your desk so it’s easily accessible.

Also, pin up a list of transition words. I know, you already know how to transition from one sentence to another but this will ensure you aren’t just using the same ones over and over again or just rotating the same few words.

– because
– although
– especially
– therefore
– in fact
– for instance
– finally
– throughout
– similarly
– however

When you are all set and raring to go, remember these pointers…

Research –
You will already know the subject matter inside out, so long as you have actually been attending your lectures of course. Start by doing a bit of research. Surveys, data analysis, and market research may come in handy here as well as textbook research. Use notes and highlighters on relevant pages for ease.

Structure –
Deciding on the type of format and layout you want to use is important. Write your first draft for yourself including an introduction and conclusion so you can see if the layout really flows with the subject.

Breaks – Once you’ve got that first draft finished, step away and take a break. When you are writing, proof reading and writing and proof reading some more, it all becomes a blur and you won’t be able to spot mistakes yourself. Take a few hours away, maybe even an entire day and come back to it with fresh eyes.

Top Tips

– Organise that all important research material.
– Do not leave it until last minute to write your essay.
– Write in ‘your own voice’ for conversation flow.
– Proof ready every draft.
– Don’t be afraid to have your own opinions.
– Take regular breaks.
– Reference any other material you use.
– Ask somebody else to proof ready for you.
– Make sure you understand all the words you use.

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