
How to prepare for university

The start of your new life at university is fast approaching and it will almost definitely stand you in good stead to get well prepared for your new life. The excitement of possibly being off for summer, going to festivals and maybe also a bit of travelling may take over but try these steps to get you prepped and ready…

Routine – Yes you have to enjoy your summer break before all the hard work commences in September but imagine how hard it will be and how much you will hate your alarm clock waking you for those early morning lectures if you don’t put a bit of ground work in beforehand.
I’m not saying to do it everyday or that you don’t deserve and epic lie in ever again but it will be so much easier come study time if you are already getting up early and getting on with your day a couple of times a week.

Cleaning – Nope, you’re clothes and dishes wont be washing themselves and no, piling up your ‘floordrobe’ in the wardrobe and wedging the door shut doesn’t count.
Most halls wont have a dishwasher and you don’t want to start off on the wrong foot and annoy your flat mates by not doing your share and cleaning up after yourself.
It will give you peace of mind and a clearer head to live and study in a clean and tidy space. Also you wont get the 3 day old pots cleaning dread.

Travel – Suss out your travel routes from halls to all the places you might need to use i.e your university building, the library and the nearest and cheapest shops.
Can you walk to these places or will you have to take public transport?
If it’s the latter, do your research and find out the bus/tram numbers and the cost for students.

Online shopping –
I know I know, it sounds ridiculously simple but do you really want to order just 1 spring onion and end up with one kilogram? Learning to do an online shop is not only saving you time, it’s also very cost effective.
Nipping to the supermarket on a daily basis can really ramp up your shopping costs, you may pick up things you wouldn’t do so with an online shop that you don’t necessarily need.
Be shopping savvy.

Films – There will of course be times when you have nothing or little to do. Your besties have gone back to visit family, it’s raining cats and dogs or you simply just fancy a good old duvet day (we’ve all been there.)
Invest in a Netflix or Amazon prime subscription so you can get your binge watch on when needed. After all, you cant study ALL the time.

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