
Increase Your Income with a Seasonal Job

Getting a part-time job alongside your studies can benefit more than just your
finances. It can teach you the importance of time management, as you learn to
juggle your job and your educational obligations. A part-time job can also teach
you extra skills and increase your employability.

However, not everyone has the time to commit to a regular job while at uni.
Many students will find themselves with little free time between attending
seminars, lectures and workshops, and working on their assignments. But that
doesn’t necessarily mean that you couldn’t benefit from a part-time job for at
least part of the year.

A seasonal job may offer you that bit of extra income (and just at the right time).
As your contact time at uni begins to wind down for the festive season, you
might start to find yourself with a bit more extra time. Seasonal jobs can be
especially great for students who are studying in their hometown, as they will
still be around in the days before, and after, Christmas. You may even be offered
a bonus for working on these days!

And, to top it off, there are usually an abundance of jobs going over this period,
as essentially all retail shops will be requiring extra pairs of hands for the festive
season. Cafes, bars and restaurants might also be on the look out for extra
waiting staff – and people tend to get more generous with their tips around this

You might even be able to snag a job at your favourite clothes store, and maybe
you’ll even get a nice little discount as an extra bonus! Most University towns will
have plenty of choice when it comes to a seasonal job, and we highly
recommend trying one out. After all buying Christmas gifts can sometimes be
difficult on a student budget.

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