
How A Part Time Job Can Help You

When you were at sixth form or college it was normal to work right? So, why not do that alongside your studies at University.

You probably actually have more spare time now than you’ve ever had so why not make the most of it? There are so many benefits to working whilst at Universities.

Okay, so it might not work for everyone but working can improve your job prospects after you finish after University and it helps you develop into a more well-rounded individual.

You learn the value of money

You learn the value of money and no the worth of something when you’re paying for it yourself. Once you start making your own money, you’ll be much more careful in spending it, not only how much, but also what you spend it on. It’s much better to work on budgeting skills now, whilst still in the safe university environment, than when you’re out working in the real world. This is a good way to start learning to be independent as well.

You meet new people

Meeting people outside of the University bubble is so important, especially if you plan to stay in your University city after you finish your studies. This will help you get used to meeting other people who may not be like you and help you settle into post-uni work life.

You learn how to be organised

Being busy actually makes you more proactive as you have to be organised with your time. Procrastination is much less likely when you’re employed, as you simply don’t have time. Although you will be working it’s a great break from your actual uni work which will be good for you.

You appreciate uni more

Most people will move on from their part-time jobs when they graduate but this is what makes going back to studying after work much easier. Everyone has to start somewhere and working an often repetitive, manual labour job will make you appreciate your future career even more and push yourself to work harder to achieve it.

You have real work experience

It might not be the best paid job ever but imagine walking into your first graduation job and you’ve never experienced a real work place before. It will be a different environment but part time work gives you the experience of working with different people and gaining work ethic. Attributes such as learning new practical skills fast, working under pressure in a busy environment, self-motivation and teamwork will stand out on your CV.

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