
Save Money On Your First Student Food Shop

You have flown the nest and you’ve run out of the food back up your parents sent you off with uni with. It is now time to stand on your own two feet and go it alone for your very first solo food shop.

Here’s how not to blow the budget and keep down the cost…

Planning – Sitting down and working out what you would like to eat during the week will not only save you time when you are in the supermarket but also money.
Try and plan meals that use the same ingredients to avoid food waste especially if you are cooking for one.

Choose Your Supermarket – Don’t always choose the one closest as you may end up forking out extra, simply for convenience. Aldi and Lidl will be your wallets best pals. No other supermarket can compete with their low prices and they even stock branded products.
If you don’t live too far away and you could possibly walk there you could pay for a taxi back and still save yourself a heap of money.

Shop local – Markets and greengrocers are renowned for getting a good bargain. Markets can be great for picking up meat, especially in bulk. You can then stock pile it in your freezer. Just remember to defrost it before cooking it.

Share – Why not do a joint food shop with your flatmates? This will cut down on food waste massively and you could be sharing the cost with a few other people at the same time.
If there is quite a few of you too, buy in bulk. It will save you so much cash in the long run.

The Reduced Section – The reduced section isn’t just for food on the edge of its sell by date. Packaging can become damaged meaning they can’t sell that item at full price so always keep your eye out for the reduced section in the supermarket.
Also, keep your eye out for discounted toiletries.

Meat – If you are a carnivore why not trying having a few meat free meals a week. Meat can be quite costly and will take up a subsequent amount of your food budget.

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