
How To Throw A New Years Party On A Budget

It always seems like a great idea going into town on New Year’s Eve, doesn’t it? Then you get there…

The local pubs even start charging an extortionate fee to get in and the queues are enough to make you stay in altogether. By the time you’ve got an outfit, taxi’s (which of course apply a surcharge) entry fee and the drinks you will be seriously out of pocket.

Why would you want to go to bars and battle what is literally hours just to get a drink?

1. Nobody bothers with actual invites these days so create a free Facebook event with all the relevant information.

2. Alcohol is by far one of the biggest expenses for a party. Ask everybody to bring a bottle and some kind of snack. This will save you forking out for all the food and drink but there would still be a variety.

3. If your pals want to help, let them. Don’t try and be the hostess with the mostest alone. You might just fall asleep before midnight.

4. Pound shops are your friend and you can pick up some awesome bargains. Cutlery, cups, and plates you can just throw out after. Zero washing up too, bonus!

Ballons and party decorations will be available all year round but they might just have something a bit more glitzy for Christmas and new year.

5. Make a simple ‘photo booth’ by hanging a foil tinsel curtain against a light coloured wall. Stock up on those pound shop props for funny photos to look back on. Super cheap to do but it serves as a little entertainment too.

6. Fairy lights are often enough to create a bit of an atmosphere so string up lights where ever possible. You could even convince your parents to take down their decorations early so you can ‘borrow’ them.

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