
Why Should You Consider Further Study?

After graduation (and just before) you will start thinking about further study and exactly what path you want to take.

Will you go straight to a post-graduate job, travel, or further your education?

Continuing with your studies can be the sensible option and here is why…

– One degree may not make you stand out from the crowd

A growing number of people now go to uni and leave with a degree meaning having a university education won’t always make you stand out from the crowd.

Science and medical studies especially will usually require you to have a Masters or a Ph.D. to further your research work in certain fields.

– You get more time to decide what to do

An extra year or so of studying may just give you the extra time you need to decide exactly how you want your career to go.

If you are unsure about which direction to go in then studying is the better option. It will also avoid you falling into a job/career that you hate.

Having a clear career goal can never be a bad thing.

– You could boost your potential earnings

Further education and qualifications will lead to a greater earning potential in the long run.

There will always be competition for work when leaving uni. So many others will have studied towards the same career as you.

Having extra qualifications will show dedication and perseverance for the role.

– The biggest drawback to post-grad study

The biggest drawback is definitely the cost. For home students, the tuition fee alone can be between £3000-£6000 per year with some courses costing considerably more.

There is competition to get funding to carry on with your studies or research so there are no guarantees you will make the cut for funding.

Do your research and see what could be available for you.

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